Nortel Norstar Phone Manuals

Nortel PBX and Phone Manuals for BCM, Callpilot, CS1K, and Startalk Systems

Callpilot 150 Call Center Administrator Guides

We offer you the Nortel BCM guides, CS1000 (CS1K), Callpilot, including the Administration and Operation manuals, as well as the Startalk manuals. Get replacement phones. The Meridian Norstar, later called Nortel Norstar, was a small-office digital PBX introduced by Northern Telecom. If you need the Nortel Meridian Manuals you can find them here. Below you can find some of the popular BCM50 manuals. BCM (Business Communication Manager) has two systems available, the BCM50 for smaller enterprises with 3-30 extensions and the BCM450 which allows up to 300 phones. Avaya acquired Nortel's Enterprise Division and announced that the Norstar and BCM systems would continue to be manufactured, but under the Avaya name and that Norstar/BCM systems and telephone sets will eventually integrate with the Avaya IP Office via Avaya Aura.

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An explanation of Nortel compatible phones begins with the introduction of the M series telephones (known as the Meridian telephones) back in 1988. Then in 2000 they were replaced by the T series phones (Terminal telephones). Both the M and T series telephones will work on the older Nortel (3x8, 6x16, 8x24) systems and the later CICS, MICS, and the BCM 200, BCM 400, and BCM 50. Find Nortel Phones at the Very best Prices.

Visit this page for a list of Norstar Feature Codes.

Nortel BCM System Guides

Nortel Networks Communications Manager and Enterprise Edge Manuals

Nortel BCM 2.5 Telephone Features Program Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Attendant Console User Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Call Center Agent User Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging FAX User Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging Quick Ref Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge  Voice Messaging Ref Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge M7324 Quick Ref Guide Issue
Nortel Enterprise Edge M7324 User Card Issue 1
Nortel Enterprise Edge M7324N User Card
Nortel Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Prime Phone User Card Issue 1
Nortel Enterprise Edge Prime Phone User Card Issue 2
Nortel Enterprise Edge Telephone Feature Card Issue 3
Nortel Enterprise Edge Telephone Feature Card
Nortel Enterprise Edge Unified Messaging Quick Ref Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging AMIS User Guide
Nortel Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging Quick Ref Guide Issue 1
Nortel Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging Ref Guide Issue 1
Nortel Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide Issue 2

Nortel Business Communications- BCM50 Manuals

Nortel BCM ATA 2 User Guide
Nortel BCM Att Console User Guide
Nortel BCM Hospitality Features Card
Nortel BCM Phone Features Prog Guide
Nortel BCM Personal Call Manager User Guide
Nortel BCM Prime phone User Card
Nortel BCM Phone Feature Card
BCM50 Installation Quick Start Guide
BCM50 Installation and Maintenance Guide
BCM50 Troubleshooting Guide
BCM50 Networking Configuration Guide
BCM50 Device Configuration Guide
BCM400 Installation and Maintenance Guide
BCM200 and 400 and 1000 Admin v4 Guide

Nortel CS1000 (CS1K) Manuals

Nortel CS 1000E Installation and Configuration Manual
Nortel CS 1000 Integration
Nortel CS 1000 Maintenance Manual
Nortel CS 1000 Element Reference Administration Manual
Nortel CS 1000 Software Input Output Reference Admin Manual

Callpilot, Call Center ipView, Call Center setup and Pilot Mini Guides

Call Center Administrator guides takes you through setting up and operating Basic Call Center
on a Callpilot 150 system. Using either any two-line display telephone or the web-based Callpilot Manager to set up and operate Basic Call Center.

Callpilot Call Center

Calls can be routed based on the origin of the call, the destination of the call, or the information entered by the caller. Callers can be assigned priorities and overflow can go to different groups or skillsets of agents, transfer out of the system, leave a message, and hear announcements and informative messages.

For more information on Call Centers: Call Center Technology ACDs

CallPilot 150 Basic Call Center Phone Admin Guide
CallPilot 150 Telephone Admin Guide
Nortel Call Center Agent Guide
Nortel Call Center Set Up & Operation Guide
Nortel Call Center Supervisor Guide
Nortel ipView Software Wallboard Set Up & Operation Guide
CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide
CallPilot Message Networking User Guide
CallPilot Mini-CallPilot 150 Install and Maint Guide
CallPilot Mini-150 Desktop Messaging Install and Maint Guide
CallPilot Mini-150 Desktop Messaging Quick Ref Guide
CallPilot Programming Record
CallPilot Quick Ref Card-Norstar Voice Mail Interface
CallPilot Quick Ref Card CallPilot Interface
CallPilot Reference Guide
Nortel Software Keycode Install Guide
CallPilot 150 Phone Admin Manual
CallPilot IP View Software Setup & Operation Guide
CallPilot Mini 150 Install Guide
CallPilot Quick Reference Card


Nortel Startalk Guides

Norstar Startalk Mini Install Guide
Norstar Startalk Quick Ref Guide
Norstar Startalk Setup & Operation Guide
Norstar Startalk User Card


Nortel Networks Corporation

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Nortel Coproration information.Nortel Networks Corporation, first founded as Northern Telecom Limited, is a multinational telecommunications equipment manufacturer headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They made many large and small business PBX systems and were for a long time a leader in the telecom industry. On January 14, 2009 Nortel filed for bankruptcy protection in order to restructure its debt and financial obligations. Northern Telecom, which bankruptcy lasted until 2013, was the largest bankruptcy case in Canadian history. Avaya acquired parts of Nortel, one of which was Nortel's Enterprise Division and announced that the Norstar and BCM systems would continue being manufactured, but under the Avaya name. Nortel phone systems are found worldwide and many of the popular older systems are still in operation.

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